
Easy Accent Reduction

(Spring 2023)
From boardroom, to podium, to classroom, now, from cell phone, to zoom, to live-streaming video, every day you are being judged, labeled and categorized (only) by the sound of your voice.

It’s called Voice or Linguistic Profiling and we are all guilty of it. It’s that instant moment of judgment when you hear the voice on the other end of the telephone and make a snap decision that this is or is not a person you choose to do business with because of their age, gender, nationality, intelligence, personality, and emotional instability.

In Joni's Accent Reduction Training Program, Joni will guide you through the process of NOT changing your natural voice but creating a NEW voice that has no accent. Hundreds have gone through Joni's unique accent reduction training and found it not only effective, and life-changing, and it is fun!!!!



SuperStar Voice Training

(Watch for Date) 
How to Be The Super-Star of Your Own Videos using "Conversational Voice Skills" Guaranteed to Make People Listen.

Inside of EVERYONE lives a VOICE ACTOR just Itching to "Come-out", so don't hire an actor to sell your product, read your book or give your message because: "No One Loves Or Knows Your Product Like You Do."

Common Voice Frustrations
  • I am Boring and have no "spark."
  • I don't know what to say
  • I don't like my voice
  • I can not watch myself on video
  • I look nervous and scared
In this 90 Min. (3) Video Voice Training Joni Will Help You Turn Your Voice From:
  • Passable -to- Phenomenal
  • Tolerable-to-Terrific
  • Adequate to Astounding
  • So-So to Super Star!

The ABC's of Voice

(Available Early 2023)

Attitude, Belief, and Confidence  are the building-blocks that will add power to your Voice, believe-ability to your presentations, and prosperity to your career, AND  your life.

In the ABC's of Voice Video and Workbook Training, Joni Wilson Gives You All the Tools you Need to:

  • Organize your life, both business and personal
  • Discover your hidden beliefs and talents
  • Create an Attitude-of-Gratitude
  • Write a Goal and a Business Plan that is easy to follow and brings result

All of these actions lead to one BIG result: You will find your "Voice", and that will "Jump-Start Your Career".

FACT: In competitive, worldwide markets, quality products and services are essential, but it’s the Attitude, Belief, and Confidence of the people who produce, market and sell the products that ultimately determines which companies are successful and which companies are not.


Can't Wait? Just Click Here for Your Free Voice Lesson Available for Download TODAY!